Guided tours: discover La Maison des métallos
Discover, during a visit, the secrets and metamorphoses of the House of Metallos, whose emblematic facade is classified in the additional inventory of Historical Monuments.
17 i 18 septiembre 2022Passed
© Maison des métallos
Discover the House of Steelworkers
First a musical instrument manufacturer in the 19th century, then a centre of trade unionism and finally a public cultural establishment, the Maison des Métallos has undergone many metamorphoses and is home to an exciting history. During a visit, members of the USW team tell you what lies behind this emblematic façade, listed in the additional inventory of historic monuments.
A video, taking over a short lecture by archivist Emeric Tellier, will immerse us in the history of the cultural practices of the members of the CGT Metallurgy, supporting images.