Reading of tales by Nora Aceval, accompanied by music by Nasro Baghdad
The tales of Nora Aceval come from the pure oral tradition. Her repertoire embraces the extent of all Algerian popular genres, for the most part, since she has been collecting in Algeria and in emigration circles for a quarter of a century. A fixed idea guides its steps. The safeguarding of precious heritage is a duty. It is a question of restoring the ancestral memory to its multiple anchorages which, put end to end, confer to these enchanting frescoes a singularity and a unity that make the happiness of the initiates as well as the laymen.
The words of Nora Aceval, wrapped in a tasty Algerian Arabic, and accompanied by musician Nasro Baghdad, for this heritage day, and on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Algeria’s independence, will make us discover a selection of popular stories. Tales, legends, fables. Jazya the hilalian, Habra the lion’s daughter, King Souleymane, Wisdom of women, Cunning of animals... And to close the story, puzzles to be solved by the public. A trip to the heart of the Algerian soul to the rhythm of Nasro’s lute and violin.