Forest and living cultures in the Montmorency forest
The European Heritage Days landed at the Chateau de la chasse!
On September 17 and 18, from 1:30 pm to 6 pm, come and meet the foresters and artistites who live the forest!
On the agenda:
>> Field tour at 2pm: Forest management and health crisis Foresters on the front lines in the face of chestnut ink disease
>> Educational games and the NFB stand - Continuous activity from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.: • Educational survey "Coup de chaud sur la forêt" Come and conduct the survey alongside an NFB forester and discover the challenges of climate change and its impacts on forests.
• The Biodiversity Rally__». Go on a journey to discover forest biodiversity with this educational game. A fun, enriching and challenging experience, combining quizzes and challenges, to discover the ecological richness of our forests and how foresters take care of them every day. Quiz, charade, rebus, puzzles, crossword puzzles but also land art and croquet tests are waiting for you!
>> Exhibition of paintings & sculptures - The Montmorency Forest in all its states!
>> Pop/Rock concert from 4:30 pm