“Bare Hands”, exhibition of the 2022-2023 MAC VAL collection
“Bare Hands”
MAC VAL 2022-2023 Collection Exhibition
After «Le vent se lève», an exhibition of the collection embodying the relationships that humanity has with the Earth, MAC VAL continues this exploration of the human being by refocusing on the body, its language, its power and its reinvention power, with this new exhibition «With bare hands».
Unpublished or older, the works evoke the reinvention of oneself, the future that it is up to us to create, with our bare hands.
In this shared experience of the pandemic, of the prevention of the other, of his contact, of the violent observation of our bodily fragility and of our status as a living body, to project oneself into the future and to envisage it with desire, momentum and hope is imposed in a new way.
The works gathered here tell on the one hand the corporeality and its language, the vital fluids, the members, including the hands, who embody the question of the reinvention of self against reality, fatality or social determinisms.
Fiction, storytelling, directing, transvesting are all strategies implemented by the artists to engage this reinvention, soft, determined or more warlike.
The address to the other, to his gaze as to his body is at the heart of the works, through the fabrication of his own image, portraits or self-portraits that thus resonate with the historical and contemporary phenomena of the invention of oneself.
«Bare Hands», exhibition of the 2022-2023 collection of MAC VAL The European Heritage Days at MAC VAL