Sábado 17 septiembre 2022, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00Passed
Setembre 2022
Dissabte 17
14:00 - 15:00
15:00 - 16:00
16:00 - 17:00
6 to 12 years old

Musée de la Bataille de Fromelles

Rue de la basse Ville - 59249 Fromelles
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France

Workshop "Archaeological excavations" at the Musée de la Bataille de Fromelles

Discover a site of excavations by learning the gestures of archaeologists
Sábado 17 septiembre 2022, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00Passed

Introductory workshop to archaeological excavations with a mediator. The methods of excavation of a site of the First World War will no longer have secrets for budding archaeologists.
Attention: sessions at 14h-15h-16h (duration: 45min)

Types d'événement
Animation Jeune public
Thème 2022
No selection
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About the location

Musée de la Bataille de Fromelles
Rue de la basse Ville - 59249 Fromelles
  • Nord
  • Hauts-de-France
New museum and at the same level, answering driving Disability all standards. Current(In class) labelling. On July 19th and 20th, 1916, the Battle of Fromelles took place on 4 kilometres head-on. The 61th British division and the 5th Australian division opposed three Bavarian regiments. This attack caused(provoked) putting out of action of about 8500 men(people). This museum mixes(involves) archaeological and scientific techniques, history(story) and destiny of soldiers bound(connected) to the Battle of Fromelles.
Musée de France, Tourisme et handicap i Lieu de culture, spectacles, sports et loisirs