Institut Universitaire des Métiers et du Patrimoine
10 rue Saint-Martin-ès-Aires, 10000 Troyes
The Academic des Métiers institute and academic of Heritage (IUMP) is a training centre specialised in built heritage. IUMP is installed(settled) in the old(former) abbey Saint-Martin-js-Aires. Sisters of Sacré-Cœur lived in these places then small seminary(seminar) settled down here in the middle of the 20th century, before giving up(selling) the chapel to the city. The chapel dates the 19th century and possesses the feature of credit note of posts and of balusters in cast iron. It was built in 1891 by the Trojan architect Fountain on the properties of the abbey Saint-Martin-js-Aires and of the convent of the ladies of Sacré-Cœur.
Édifice scolaire et éducatif i Monument historique
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