Église Saint-Georges
Rue Saint-Georges, 67500 Haguenau
The first church is built in the XIIth century s. in Romanic style; two turrets of staircase and the vestiges of the crypt are the witnesses(batons) of this building. The church will be changed over time and of the evolution of the parish. A narthex is included at the beginning of the XVth century s., a sacristy is built by Frederick Hammer, then the chapel Saint Jacques is built in Gothic beaming in 1496\. In 1517, Johannites devotes a chapel to their holy protector Jean. The new sacristy is inaugurated in the XVIIIth century s. The church Saint-Georges is listed(classified) in conformance with(for) historic monuments since 1930.
Édifice religieux i Monument historique

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