Musée de la faïence
17 Rue Poincaré, 57200 Sarreguemines
The Faïence Museum is housed in the former apartments of Paul de Geiger, director of the Faïenceries de Sarreguemines between 1871 and 1914\.
The heart of the museum is a winter garden built in 1880, classified as historical monuments. The museum, the memory of this industry that made the city famous, has rich collections of ceramics, They reflect the diversity of styles proposed by the pottery to cover all the tastes and needs of its clientele in terms of decoration and tableware. Earthenware, sandstone or porcelain, the whole range of ceramic products is represented.
But the museum was not always intended to preserve ceramics. The first collections of the establishment (archaeology, extra-European ethnology, popular arts and traditions or militaria) are currently presented in the framework of the exhibition Arquebuse and Te tempo. A journey at the crossroads of space and time is the ambition of this exhibition, which retraces the history of the ancient collections of the Sarreguemine
Maison, appartement, atelier de personnes célèbres, Édifice industriel, scientifique et technique, Musée, salle d'exposition, Musée de France i Monument historique

©Musées de Sarreguemines