Basilique Saint-Maurice
Place Saint-Goery, 88000 Épinal
In the middle of the XIth century was raised(brought up) a new Romance church dedicated by the holy Lorraine pope Léon IX. The walls of the nave date always of this time(period) but shoulders were added to him(her) in the XIIIth century. It is at that time also that was rebuilt the chorus(choir), that a new portal(gate) opening on the city was built in the north wall of the nave and that the latter(this last) was covered with vaults. She(It) was listed(classified) in conformance with(for) historic monuments in 1846 and dedicated minor basilica in 1933\. It is a place mattering in pilgrimage in the relics of saint Goëry.
Monument historique i Édifice religieux

©Jean-François Hamard