Musée de la Fonderie
Le Bourg 41160 Fréteval
- Loir-et-Cher
- Centre-Val de Loire
The first mentions(grades) of a site devoted to the foundry go back up(raise) to the XIIth century and from 1530, the evocation of a bottom(stocking) - stove(furnace), created by the monks of Marmoutier is certified. From 1881, the direction(management) of the foundry is confided(entrusted) to Alexandre Genevée and this one will know then, conducted by his son Pierre, a very strong period of expansion until the dawn of the Second World War.
Moulding was practised there in particular hatch moulding and in the hand according to model.
The museum is installed(settled) on the site of the old(former) foundry, with a stage design rethought to present the main rooms(parts,plays) after liquidation by auction of the foundry. They find the reconstruction there of a cubillot who(which) served to put in fusion(merger) the cast iron.
Musée, salle d'exposition i Édifice industriel, scientifique et technique

Fréteval DR