Chapelle et maison du clergé Charles de Blois
Maison du clergé - le Bon Secours 7 rue d'Artois, 41000 Blois
- Loir-et-Cher
- Centre-Val de Loire
Chapel of the House of the clergy realised (architecture and decoration of wall paintings(paints)) by Bernard Lorjou and Simone Mottet. 1962-1989-2005\. This creation is adorned with 55 m of paintings(cloths) illustrating 7 satellite dishes(parabolae), of Christ and with a stained-glass window. Visited again by Madeleine Siériès who restructured the chorus(choir), created the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, furniture and lightings.
Édifice religieux, Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire i Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO
Every person. Car of possible handicapped person.
Maison du Clergé