Viernes 16 septiembre 2022, 10:00Passed
Setembre 2022
Divendres 16
10:00 - 18:00
7 to 15 years old

Église Saint-Éloi-Saint-Jean-Baptiste

Le Bourg 28500 Crécy-Couvé
  • Eure-et-Loir
  • Centre-Val de Loire

Meeting with the sculptors in residence and visit of the exhibition in Crécy-Couvé

Animation for the school public around the course of Contemporary Art "De Pierre et de Bois".
Viernes 16 septiembre 2022, 10:00Passed

A step to:

  • meet two wood sculptors in residence, Jonathan BESNARD and Philippe POUSSET and admire their work,
  • stroll along the Rue de l'Ancien Château to admire the exhibition of Contemporary Art in the private gardens.
Types d'événement
Animation pour scolaires / Levez les yeux !
Thème 2022
Patrimoine durable
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Conditions de participation

About the location

Église Saint-Éloi-Saint-Jean-Baptiste
Le Bourg 28500 Crécy-Couvé
  • Eure-et-Loir
  • Centre-Val de Loire
The chapel Saint-Éloi at the end of the XVth century and the beginning of the XVIth century occupied two - third(third party) of the current surface. It possessed a retable in cut stones representing stages(scenes) of the passion of the Christ. This one was disassembled(taken down) at the beginning of the XVIIth century, and buried in the cemetery. Madam of Pompadour buys in 1746 the domain of Crécy. She does jobs of enlargement and of embellishment there. In 1752 the paving and the high altar are redone. The chorus(choir): the retable was conceived(designed) by the architect Lassurance. He(It) is wooden painted, imitating the marble. Three paintings(cloths) were commanded(ordered) by the brother of madam of Pompadour, the marquess of Vandières, to adorn this retable:« Saint Eloi» (boss of the parish), "saint Jean-Baptiste" (boss of madam of Pompadour) and a religious mystery: "Visitation". It was the painter Vien who received command(order). The altar is devoted in Sacré-Cœur of Jesus. The furniture of the chorus(choir) is also of the same time(period). The nave: the vault in the shape of opposite boat and panelled is common in the churches of the region. The confessional of the XVIIIth century, which made the object of a superb restoration(catering) in 2008, is in oak decorated with moldings and sculpted, for the door of the changing room of the priest, of a wrought iron railing(bar). The rows of closed benches are typical of the region. Statues of the XVth century, vestiges of the primitive(initial) church where it was possible to identify saint Anne and saint Leonard, are in shoulders. At the bottom(In fact) of the church attract attention splendid marble font of Languedoc (1753) and a stoup. The forum(stand) in bad state also dates the XVIIIth century. Stained-glass windows are in the weapons of madam of Pompadour: «of azure in three towers of money(silver) built by sand». The stained-glass window of the bottom of the church calls back(reminds) consecration in Sacré-Cœur.
Édifice religieux i Monument historique
By D 928.