Abbaye de Thiron-Gardais
18 rue de l'Abbaye 28480 Thiron-Gardais
- Eure-et-Loir
- Centre-Val de Loire
The domain of the Abbey of Thiron-Gardais groups(includes) the vestiges of the abbey built by Bernard de Ponthieu, founder in the order of Tiron in the XIIth century. The furniture results(comes) from the old(former) parish church of Kept(Guarded), except the stalls of the monks (listed(classified) in conformance with(for) historic monuments) and the stalls of the pupils of the middle school(college) who train(form) the new chorus(choir). Around the game preserve of the monks, get organised ten gardens of medieval inspiration, in a 4 hectare park. Done up in 2000, of medieval inspiration, gardens present different spaces: vegetable garden, spices, gardens of earth(ground) and of heathers, remarkable linden crashed in 1792, game preserve of the monks, fruit terraces, gardens of colours... The barn in tithes, restored in 2006, is the entrance(entry) of the gardens of the abbey, the labour union(syndicate) of initiative of the Perche(Perch) Thironnais and a place of exhibition(exposure).
Édifice religieux, Tourisme et handicap, Monument historique i Espace naturel, parc, jardin

Victor Provôt