Musée de Vierzon
11 rue de la Société-Française 18100 Vierzon
The museum is located at the heart of one remarkable industrial site: the old(former) factory of the French Company(Society), protected in conformance with(for) Historic monuments. On 600 m ², the spaces of exhibition(exposure) present the two centuries of industrial history(story) and cheminote in Vierzon. The museum possesses an important collection which allows to redraw history(story) and heritage of the city in the field of the china, of the glass, of sandstone and of agricultural mechanisation. The establishment also has an unique(only) collection of objects, of posters and of tools which allows to present 150 years of history(story) of the railroad in Vierzon.
Musée, salle d'exposition, Tourisme et handicap i Musée de France
Ville de Vierzon