Chapelle Sainte-Catherine
Sainte-Catherine, 56460, Lizio
Chapel devoted to Saint-Catherine d' Alexandrie, built on course for Compostelle. It is possible that the origin of the chapel goes back up(raises) to the Templars, but there remains(subsists) nothing or more or less of this time(period). The building is rectangular, with door framed(supervised) by a motive with front wall(pediment) and topped with a bull's-eye of six straight beams(shelves). The rampant of the pine nut(cog) is in youngs redents provided in the summit and in both low points of small granite crosses. Indoors, a bow(arc) in point(headland) of ogive separates the nave in two parts(parties) more or less equal. This bow(arc) is indeed the only vestige of Romance part(party).
Édifice religieux i Monument historique