17 i 18 septiembre 2022Passed
Setembre 2022
Dissabte 17
09:30 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Diumenge 18
09:30 - 18:00

Musée des Beaux-Arts

40 place Saint-Corentin, 29000, Quimper
  • Finistère
  • Bretagne

JEP 2022/ The programme of the Quimper Museum of Fine Arts

A rich programme awaits you at the Quimper Museum of Fine Arts: free or guided tours, meetings, workshops...
17 i 18 septiembre 2022Passed
© Ville de Quimper

Several proposals:

  • Free visit
    Saturday/ 9h30-12h and 14h-18h; Sunday/ 9h30-18h
    Take advantage of the weekend to stroll among the works and let yourself be seduced by the rich collections of paintings and sculptures.
    Rdv. Museum of Fine Arts, 40 place Saint-Corentin
  • Free visit - 150 candles for the museum
    Saturday and Sunday/ continuous
    On August 15, the Museum of Fine Arts blew out its 150 candles! For this event and on the occasion of the European Heritage Days, the establishment is partnering with the Municipal Archives Service to make you discover its history through plans, photographs and manuscripts exhibited exceptionally!
    Meeting Lemordant Room
  • Meeting Didier Lapène, copyist
    Saturday and Sunday/ continuous
    Meet the artist busy reproducing The Widow of the island of Sein by Emile Renouf on the ground floor of the museum, room 1.
    Appointment. On the ground floor of the museum, room 1
  • Playful discovery «Didier Lapène, a gazebo on the sea»
    saturday and sunday
    Borrow the painter’s briefcase for a playful discovery of the exhibition. A briefcase, five envelopes: browse the exhibition freely and carry out the proposed activities.
    Available on loan Some games are adapted from 4 years
  • Guided tours
    Saturday and Sunday/ 10h-12h flash visit
    Board the Beaux-arts express to discover the museum’s collections!
    On the agenda:
  • Head to the seaside with the works of painter Didier Lapène
  • Departure for an urban route with works by Jacques Villeglé and Norbert Nüssle
  • Walk in the forest to discover the museum’s fauna and flora
    Duration: discoveries of 15 minutes Rdv. Hall of the museum
  • Meeting: restoring and sustainably preserving, a utopia?
    Saturday 14h-16h Discover the decor of the Kermoor hotel in Pierre de Belay after restoration, in the presence of Gwenola Corbin.
    Sunday/2 pm-3:30pm
    Come and discuss the theme of "sustainable heritage", with the museum manager and art restorers.
    Meeting Lemordant Room
  • *A good workshop for birds!
    Saturday/ 14h-16h
    The LPO (League for the Protection of Birds) is invited to the museum to propose a workshop around the manufacture of grease balls to feed the birds of your gardens. You can get to know them better to help them and accompany them in their increasingly hostile environments.
    e-reservation on mbaq.fr Rdv. Home museum From 7 years
  • Meeting - seeds at the museum
    Saturday and Sunday/ continuous
    Exceptionally, the museum is setting up a seed library with the participation of the Alain-Gérard media library and the Centre des Abeilles de la MPT de Kerfeunteun. The opportunity for you to exchange your aromatic seeds, vegetables, fruits, flowers, prepare your garden and know everything about the seeds!
    Appointment. In front of the museum shop
Types d'événement
Visite commentée / Conférence
Thème 2022
No selection
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About the location

Musée des Beaux-Arts
40 place Saint-Corentin, 29000, Quimper
  • Finistère
  • Bretagne
Located at the heart of the cornouaillaise capital, facing the cathedral Saint-Corentin, the museum of the Fine Arts of Quimper was created in 1864 following the legacy agreed to its home town by the count Jean-Marie of Silguy of its remarkable collection of paintings(paints) and of drawings. The unique(only) requirement of the generous donor was that a museum is built to receive it. Built on the plans of the architect Joseph religious zealot, to which the arrows of the cathedral are also owed, the museum of Silguy is so inaugurated in 1872\. After a first renovation in 1976, the museum made the object from 1991 till 1993 of important works of extension and restructuring which allowed, besides the increase of the surfaces of exhibition(exposure) and the arrangement(development) of new reception centres(arrangements), to reconstruct according to its initial arrangement(disposal) the whole decoration(set) realised by Lemordant in 1905-1909 for the dining rooms of the hotel of Epée in Quimper. Enriched progressively by diverse gifts(donations), legacies, deposits(warehouses) and purchases, the museum of the Fine Arts of Quimper matters(counts) among the richest museums of Brittany and of province today. Outcome(Exit) for the main part of the fund(collection) of Silguy, the collection of old(former) paintings(paints) splits between the Schools of the North which train(form) a particularly rich and consistent set(group) (Van Haarlem, Rubens Van Mol, of Grebber), the less homogeneous but nevertheless high quality Italian School (Bartolo di Fredi, Dell' Abate, Guido Reni, Solimena) to whom(which) it agrees to add three heads - of work insulated of the Spanish School of the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries and the School French, particularly rich for the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries (Butcher, Fragonard, Hubert Robert, Labille-Guiard, Meynier, Chassériau, Coburp, Sausage).
Musée de France, Lieu de culture, spectacles, sports et loisirs i Tourisme et handicap
Musée des beaux-arts de Quimper