Bibliothèque Gaspard Monge
11 Place Marey 21200 Beaune
- Côte-d'Or
- Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
The Library(Bookcase) Gaspar Monge is implanted in the old(former) convent of the Juniors, members of a religious order installed(settled) in Beaune in the XVIIth century. In Revolution, the convent becomes the patriotic head office. The set(group) is then sold to individuals then becomes the seat(siege) of the catholic auspices of the Threads(Wires) of France. The City of Beaune acquires(buys back) buildings(ships) to instal(settle) there the Library(Bookcase) which opens in 1976\. Since 2004, she(it) bears the name of Gaspar Monge.
©Bibliothèque Gaspard Monge - Ville de Beaune