Visit of the Vaudricourt hotel
Located next to Saint-Étienne Cathedral, on Rue Abélard known for its beautiful private houses dating from the Ancien Régime, Vaudricourt is a rare example of a Renaissance mansion between courtyard and garden. Built around 1540 by a family of the merchant bourgeoisie of Sens, more precisely by a family of tanners, the Polangis, the Hôtel de Vaudricourt meets the values and artistic canons of the Renaissance: pilasters, entablements, capitals, shell, Acanthus leaves and post frieze are all elements of architecture that can be found on the important portal at the beginning of the 17th century and on the façade of the main courtyard. In the 18th century, the noble floor was updated and decorated with woodwork.
Please note: Free exterior view of the courtyard of honour and guided tour of the exterior and interior upon reservation (, per group of 12 people max.), full price €5 and reduced price €3