Espe de bourgogne - site de dijon
51 rue Charles Dumont, 21000 Dijon
- Côte-d'Or
- Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Included in the general inventory of cultural heritage, the building of the Ecole Normale de Garçons designed in 1884 by the Dijon architect Félix Vionnois is a unique example of school architecture of monumental type. To pay tribute to the law on the protection of historic buildings, free or guided tours will allow to appreciate the richness of the facades of the main building. Inside, a route and the exhibition of objects with pedagogical vocation will allow to situate the necessary evolutions of a place dedicated for nearly 130 years to the training of teachers.
Édifice scolaire et éducatif i Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire
By road, reach Place Wilson, then Rue Charles Dumont. Parking possible. By bus line 11 stop IUFM.