La Minoterie
75 avenue Jean Jaurès, 21000 Dijon
- Côte-d'Or
- Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
La Minoterie houses a centre for young audience creation and artistic education run by the Artifice theatre company. Its program is imagined and carried by an artistic director, surrounded by a team specialized in the field of "young audience". Numerous partnerships with public and private structures, contribute to enrich the place and its project. Her project involves bringing together artists in the workplace, large and small audiences, and professionals from children, youth, education, health and justice. It is a place of welcome and accompaniment to the year for artists who dedicate their work to young audiences, for professionals concerned with the creation of young audiences and art education and a place open to all: families, schools, groups, enterprises or individuals.
Édifice militaire, enceinte urbaine
TRAM T2 stop "Jaurès" ( 10 min from the train station) / Free parking on rue Jean-Baptiste Peincédé and parking pending

La Minoterie