Couvent Sainte-Cécile
37, rue Servan, 38000 Grenoble, Isère, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
- Isère
- Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
The Saint - Cecil convent was built in the XVIIth century to shelter the order of Bernardines of Divine Providence. They were hunted(chased away) during Revolution. The convent was allocated to the army, which occupied it until 2001, while the chapel sheltered successively a cinema, a dance hall and finally a theatre. Publishing(Edition) Glénat acquired(bought back) it to restore it (facade, put into a monastery, stained-glass windows, big(great) stony staircase and finally garden) and instal(settle) their head office there. The fund(collection) Glénat for heritage and creation was created in 2013 in Grenoble to liven up(lead) the cultural life of the convent Saint - Cecil. The creation of original exhibitions(exposures) stays the strongest cultural investment beside concerts, conferences, charitable dinners and pedagogic activities and beside mediation to the young audience. The Fund(Collection) Glénat is agent of the collections of works of art today; the Flemish and Dutch painting(paint) of the XVIIth century (Bosch, Bruegel...) the furniture of the dynasty of the cabinet makers Ax of the XVIIth century, the painters of the Alps (Gustave Doré, Jules Guédy), the posters of PLM, the old(former) geographical cards(maps) of the Alps and the bouquets of Fantin-Latour, became of treasures of the convent Saint - Cecil, beside the contemporary art represented in particular by originals(eccentrics) of comic strip.
Visits Of guided tours are organised by the tourist office of Grenoble Alps, information in 04 76 42 41 41.
Opening to the public The chapel of the convent Saint - Cecil is opened from Monday till Tuesday, from 9 h till 12 h 30 and of 13 h 30 - 17 30\. During temporary exhibitions(exposures): from Monday to Saturday from 11 h till 12 h 30 and of 13 h 30 - 19.
Édifice religieux i Musée, salle d'exposition