ANIMATIONS proposed by the Association du Patrimoine Beaufortain, the Association AAB -culture-enfance -Jeunesse and Association les Apiculteurs du Beaufortain and its school Rucher supported by the elected members of the Beaufort Heritage and Culture Commission from 10am to 5pm on the site of La Cayère. Craft market/ Products derived from the work of bees
Free make-up workshops for children-and costumes-
Exhibitions of hives of yesteryear and today and equipment for beekeeping
Exhibitions of artists "the world of bees"
Exhibitions -sale of seed cards made during the workshops Enfance Jeunesse-AAB
Films et rencontre d'apiculteurs/Theme RE-SEEDING of pastures-
10am and 3:30pm: Bucolic walk with the naturalist botanist Benoit Chalais . 17h: Musical walk from the site of La Cayère to the village center guided by Martine Viallet de la FACIM
Refreshment bar and possibility of picnic on site