18 i 19 septiembre 2021Passed
Setembre 2021
Dissabte 18
14:00 - 17:00
Diumenge 19
14:00 - 17:00

Freely visit this temple in the simplified neo-Gothic style

Take advantage of this heritage weekend to discover this Protestant temple, designed by architect Félix Paumier.
18 i 19 septiembre 2021Passed
©David Mitrani
Types d'événement
Visite libre
Thème 2021
No selection
Conditions de participation

About the location

Temple Protestant
23 avenue du Général de Gaulle, 88110 Raon-l'Étape
  • Vosges
  • Grand Est
The rectangular-plan temple is built of sandstone rubble coated on a bedrock of local granite. The framing of the bays, the harped corner chains and the crawlers are made of locally extracted pink sandstone. A small exterior porch with a gable-cushioned facade offers a facade of cut stone (pink sandstone) decorated with a tympanum in third-point.
For any decor: a Greek cross is carved on the lintel and a Latin cross cushions the pinion. The facade of the temple is devoid of ornament except for a trilobed bay and an arcade supporting the bell, also cushioned by a Latin cross. The fir truss frame is covered with slate.
This temple is the first in a series due to the architect Félix Paumier. It is also one of the last temples to refer to a simplified neo-Gothic style that had its moment of glory in the Protestant architecture of French-speaking countries from 1840 to the 1890s. This building was built in 1889.
Édifice religieux
©Office de Tourisme des Lacs de Pierre Percée