18 i 19 septiembre 2021Passed
Setembre 2021
Dissabte 18
14:00 - 18:00
Diumenge 19
14:00 - 18:00

Musée de la forge

3 grande rue, 55600 Quincy-Landzécourt
  • Meuse
  • Grand Est

Visit of the Forge Museum

18 i 19 septiembre 2021Passed
©La Lorraine gaumaise - Michel Laurent
Types d'événement
Visite libre
Thème 2021
No selection
Conditions de participation

About the location

Musée de la forge
3 grande rue, 55600 Quincy-Landzécourt
  • Meuse
  • Grand Est
The activity of blacksmith appeared at the same time as the discovery of metalworking, about 5000 BC. It became a profession in its own right as the peoples expressed their need to have more resistant objects and varied uses: tools, weapons, mechanical parts, grids, keys, jewelry, etc.
Musée, salle d'exposition
©Mairie de Quincy-Landzécourt