18 i 19 septiembre 2021Passed
Setembre 2021
Dissabte 18
10:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Diumenge 19
14:00 - 18:00
0 to 99 years old

Galerie des Capucins

4 rue Haute des Fossés, 55300 Saint-Mihiel
  • Meuse
  • Grand Est

Discover the work of the Meusian artist Denise Richier

The Capuchin Gallery and its gardens present: «Saint-Mihiel par Denise Richier» (1896-1983).
18 i 19 septiembre 2021Passed
©Denise Richier

The Capuchin Gallery and its gardens present: «Saint-Mihiel par Denise Richier» (1896-1983).

Enter this architectural ensemble steeped in history with the Capuchin cloister dating from the sixteenth century and admire the unpublished watercolours from Madame Morlet’s private collection.
The watercolours will be on sale.

Types d'événement
Thème 2021
No selection
Conditions de participation

About the location

Galerie des Capucins
4 rue Haute des Fossés, 55300 Saint-Mihiel
  • Meuse
  • Grand Est
Terraced gardens - Cloister of the Capuchins of the sixteenth century
You can access the Capuchin Gallery by the promenade that bears the same name.
Located on one of the hills overlooking the city, the destroyed convent of the Capuchins offers an unusual and somewhat mysterious setting to a beautiful park. Access is via one of the steep stairs or a long, grass-covered driveway. The Capuchins, as this magical place is commonly called, offers stunning views of the city. The biodiversity of the site is actively supported by the Green Spaces Service, notably thanks to a late mowing regime.
Lieu de spectacles, sports et loisirs
Access by the Promenade des Capucins.
@galerie des capucins Saint mihiel (exposition Meuse / Muse)