Chapelle de l'hôpital du Saint-Esprit
52 avenue du Président Kennedy, 88300 Neufchâteau
The hospital of the Holy Ghost is based(established) in 1237 by brother Robert, member of a religious order of the hospitable(hospital) order of the Holy Ghost come from Rome. Of this time(period), there remains(subsists) only the central vessel, of which came come along on top in the XIVth century two side chapels. The building undergoes several enlargements, renovations or reconstructions. The chapel contains two altars in polychrome golden oak, the tabernacle of the flanked(thrown) high altar by small niches containing statuettes, of which a nun of order. It is also possible to discover to it several funeral paving stones and a fine retable the XVth century / beginning the XVIth century, representing the adoration of the magi.
Monument historique i Édifice religieux