Sábado 15 septiembre 2018, 15:00Passed
Setembre 2018
Dissabte 15
15:00 - 17:00
Accesible para personas con discapacidad auditiva
Accesible para discapacitados visuales
Acceso discapacitados mentales
Los motores de acceso para minusválidos

La Sorbonne

45-47 rue des Écoles 75005 Paris
  • Paris
  • Île-de-France

Literary conversations «The prices(prizes) of the Chancellery in honour»

round Table and dedications with the prize-winners of literary prices(prizes) Seligmann and Fénéon de la Chancellerie of the universities of Paris.
Sábado 15 septiembre 2018, 15:00Passed
Zarina Khan, lors de la remise du prix Seligmann pour son ouvrage « La sagesse d’aimer » © Chancellerie des universités de Paris

Every year, in accordance with the wishes of his donors, the Chancellery of the universities of Paris awards several literary and artistic prices(prizes): price(prize) Fénéon, price(prize) Hertz and price(prize) Seligmann counters racism.
On the occasion of European Heritage Days, the visitors who wish it will be able to start, in the beautiful amphitheatre(lecture hall) Liard, a literary conversation with two authors rewarded by these prices(prizes):

  • Fanny Taillandier, prize-winner 2017 prices(prizes) Fénéon for her work «States and empires of housing estate Big(Great) Century» (publishing(editions) PUF),
  • Zarina Khan, prize-winner 2017 prices(prizes) Seligmann counters racism for her work «wisdom to like(love)» (publishing(editions) Hozhoni).
    At the end of the round table, the authors will dedicate their works during a moment of user-friendliness(conviviality).
    Prices(Prizes) Fénéon
    Columnist(Commentator) and critic(criticism) of art, Félix Fénéon (1861-1944) is known in his/her lifetime especially as talent-spotter. In painting(paint), he(it) contributes to make known in particular Georges Seurat, Camille Pissarro, Pierre Bonnard, Paul Signac, Kees Van Dongen, Henry Matisse, Maurice Denis, Émile Compard.
    He makes, or even publish, of authors, such discover as Jules Laforgue, Jarry, Mallarmé, Apollinaire, Rimbaud.
    In 1946, thanks to the sale of the prestigious art collection gathered(collected) by her deceased husband, Fanny Fénéon institutes as sole legatee the old(former) University of Paris, asks to the latter(this last) to create a literary prize and an artistic price(prize), under the name of "Prix Fénéon". Since 1949, these two prices(prizes) reward the work of a writer and of an artist of less than 35 years.
    Price(Prize) Hertz
    Poet, writer and journalist, Henry Hertz (1875-1966) puts his(her) sarcastic(acid) feather and his(her) open, generous and liberal spirit in the service(department) of weak ones(weaknesses) and of oppressing, against authoritarianism and all forms of exclusion.
    According to the will of his(her) widow Emma Hertz, price(prize) rewards since 1986 literary work or thesis(theory) of a student appropriate to make known or include the ethical and civic concerns dear to Henry Hertz.
    Price(Prize) Seligmann counters racism
    Born in 1919 and died in 2013, Françoise Seligmann, resistant and committed(hired) in politician since 1941, accomplishes simultaneously her professional career, her political career and her functions(offices) of senator or of very active member(limb) of the Human Rights League. In 2003, she(it) agrees a donation to the Chancellery for the creation of a literary prize, in memory of fights which she led with her husband François-Gérard Seligmann, against Nazism, intolerance and injustice.
    Price(Prize) has as vocation to reward every year a written creation which participates in fight for the victory of reason and of tolerance by attacking(affecting) the sources(springs) of racism: religious fundamentalisms, colonialism, discriminations based(established) on breed(race), nationality, religion or sex.
Types d'événement
Spectacle / Lecture
Édition 2018
No selection
Conditions de participation
No selection

About the location

La Sorbonne
45-47 rue des Écoles 75005 Paris
  • Paris
  • Île-de-France
Édifice scolaire et éducatif i Ouverture exceptionnelle
Grand Amphithéâtre de la Sorbonne © Chancellerie des universités de Paris