Chapelle Saint-Basle
route de Dombrot-le-Sec, 88800 Lignéville
The chapel, devoted to saint Basles, was built by Jean III de Ligniville in the middle of the XVth century. Simple rectangular building, a span of entrance(admission) as well as a side span are added to it in the XVIth century. Side span becomes funeral chapel of the Lord of Ligneville, Jean IV. The chapel will change owners over time, Jean and Adeline Onimus will put back(hand) the chapel to the diocese of Saint-Dié in 1927, who(which) himself(itself) the cèdera in the municipality of Lignéville. The chapel Saint-Basles is restored in 2013-2014.
Édifice religieux i Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire
Gilbert Bogard