14 i 15 septiembre 2018Passed
Setembre 2018
Divendres 14
13:00 - 14:00
14:30 - 00:00
Dissabte 15
10:00 - 00:00
This event includes accessibility accommodations
Hearing impairmentVisual impairmentPsychic impairmentMotor impairment
0 to 99 years old

Office du tourisme

Place Salvador Allende, 54260 Longuyon
  • Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • Grand Est

« Illuminate your two wings»

Theatre ambulatory of light and lights in the course of the municipalities of the territory, with animations and shows in the historic centres of Tellancourt, Saint Jean and Doncourt-lès-Longuyon!
14 i 15 septiembre 2018Passed
This event includes accessibility accommodations
Hearing impairmentVisual impairmentPsychic impairmentMotor impairment

The objective of this big(great) event(demonstration) is to gather(combine), to create meetings between and with the elected representatives and the population of the territory of the district council.
On September 14-/15, 2018, the Earth Lorraine du Longuyonnais will be livened up(led) in laughter and good mood on the theme of light and of light with:
On Fridays 14/09 in Saint-Jean-lès-Longuyon
Twins and twins (waders)
Attention good ones(maids) people, neighbours, residents and passer-bys: Be wary! They are there. The "twins" arrived. Scoundrels are in your door! Do not approach them too closely, stay in the open sea, at the risk of undergoing to them practical jokes(stuffings) and mischief. They are joker, teasing, of real scoundrels whom nothing stops(arrests)! Observe it... They are two but joined as a single person, similar in every respect: body movements, funny faces and synchronised movements. They are the Twins, they are well them! To see... But remotely...
And at nightfall: Show FOCUS of company " La Salamandre"
On Saturdays 15/09 from 14 h 00 in Tellancourt
Piccolo, is a buffoon(clown) wader, the truth! and if he(it) intrigues the children, the adults will not be able to help smiling at the sight of this almost legendary character!
Be allowed guide in the world of whim and of frenzy and Piccolo will make the rest, by walking to the liking of its desires(envies) and of its mania to sculpt balls(balloons) in the shape of animals.
Spangles and Confetti
Cheer our king and day queen! They are going to unite under your eyes for the best and of course the worst! Every step made together will activate(start) the admiration of families, neighbours, friends madam is a shrew and sir a living nightmare! Attention on the wink(allusion), that to recognise abominable sir or madam everybody who drowses in us.
Musical diverse animations, patrimonial and circassiennes for the general public
Workshops(Studios) and entertainment for the children.
On Saturdays 15/09 from 19 h 00 in Doncourt-lès-Longuyon:
Be allowed enthral(subjugate) everything by this flypast in refinement. The sky belongs to carrying of look everywhere where they cross(spend). These creatures on stilts liven up(lead) with grace(favour) and lightness(thoughtlessness), so that your event is an unforgettable dream.
And at nightfall, the show of late "bonfire and percussions" from Compapgnie "Meadow in Bubble"

Types d'événement
No selection
Édition 2018
No selection
Conditions de participation
No selection
No selection

About the location

Office du tourisme
Place Salvador Allende, 54260 Longuyon
  • Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • Grand Est
Car SNCF(FRENCH NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY) allocated to the association managing the tourist information office.
Édifice militaire, enceinte urbaine