15 i 16 septiembre 2018Passed
Setembre 2018
Dissabte 15
00:00 - 07:00
07:00 - 07:00
Diumenge 16
07:00 - 00:00
This event includes accessibility accommodations
Hearing impairmentVisual impairmentPsychic impairmentMotor impairment

Arc Héré

Rue Héré, 54100 Nancy
  • Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • Grand Est

Heritage the XVIIIth century: exhibition photos for 35 years of the classification(ranking) UNESCO

For the 35th birthday(anniversary) of the classification(ranking) of its whole XVIIIth century in the world heritage of the humanity by the UNESCO, the City of Nancy proposes a photographic exhibition
15 i 16 septiembre 2018Passed
This event includes accessibility accommodations
Hearing impairmentVisual impairmentPsychic impairmentMotor impairment
Ville de Nancy

Places of life, the Place Stanislas, the place of Career(Quarry) and the place of Alliance(Wedding ring) are the theatre of all emotions. As part of the 35th birthday(anniversary) of the classification(ranking) of its whole XVIIIth century in the world heritage of the humanity by the UNESCO, the City of Nancy proposes an exhibition(exposure) of photos large format, calling(reminding) us back 14 strong moments lived on these three places(squares) since 1983, year of the classification(ranking).
Till the end of October, under the Bow(Arc) Héré, come discover this open-air exhibition(exposure) which will offer you a step backward over 35 years of moments of enjoyment, of celebrations, of parties(holidays), but also of gathering, and of commemoration.
Free exhibition(exposure) from July 18th till October 31st.

Types d'événement
Édition 2018
No selection
Conditions de participation
No selection

About the location

Arc Héré
Rue Héré, 54100 Nancy
  • Meurthe-et-Moselle
  • Grand Est
Built between 1754 and 1756, the Arc de Triomphe Héré is a part of the large whole Royal City wanted by Stanislas, and in particular of the major axis between the place(square) Stanislas and the place(square) of Career(Quarry). The Bow(Arc) Héré is at once a door, a limit and a mark. She(It) delimits in a symbolic way the Royal Place(Square) (current place(square) Stanislas), spaces out devoted to the monarch, but also establishes(constitutes) physical link new and old city enters. Imagined and drawn by the architect Emmanuel Héré, the triumphal arch celebrates and glorifies the king of France Louis XV. Its bas-reliefs, medallions and statues resume(take back) the mythological register and evoke war and peace. The leaden central group, work of Guibal, represents the Lorraine, holding a medallion of Louis XV, supported by a Genius(Engineering), and crowned by a Fame. In the same capacity as both places(squares) which he(it) connects(binds), the building is registered on the list of the world heritage of the humanity by the UNESCO since 1983
Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO
Ville de Nancy