Learn to read and to draw a facade in Bar-le-Duc

Time(Weather) 1: Learn to read a facade
What building structure the place(square) Saint-Peter? Are constructions of the same time(period)? Do they use the same materials?
Two architects of the CAUE, provided with their brushes, are going to make you discover the architecture which makes up(composes) the place(square) Saint-Peter by drawing.
Time(Weather) 2: Learn to draw a facade
Introduction in the urban sketch outdoor
Framed(Supervised) by the architects of the CAUE, start to learn about the urban sketch. During this spare time, to you to find a place, an angle, a technique, a landscape to be drawn.
Practical information
Place: Place(Square) Saint-Peter, Bar-le-Duc
Duration: One half a day (Time(Weather) 1: 10min by description of facade (3 or 4 facades) 2: 2 h)
Material(Equipment): around thirty pads or supports(media) of drawing, pencils, spindle trees, fat chalks etc.
Public: General public