Domingo 17 septiembre 2017, 10:30Passed
Setembre 2017
Diumenge 17
10:30 - 18:00
Accesible para personas con discapacidad auditiva
Accesible para discapacitados visuales
Acceso discapacitados mentales
Los motores de acceso para minusválidos
6 to 99 years old

Musée de la lutherie et de l'archèterie françaises

Cours Stanislas, Mirecourt
  • Vosges
  • Grand Est

Architectural, musical, environmental and culinary stroll

Enjoy three Romance churches (Dompaire, Bouzemont, Vomécourt-sur-Madon), three musical interventions of the opera singer Caroline Raybaudi, three readings of landscape and some tastings...
Domingo 17 septiembre 2017, 10:30Passed

An European day of heritage to awaken our five senses(directions) and to unbridle our imagination!

  • An architectural stroll - in the discovery of three Romance churches of the territory: Dompaire, Bouzemont and Vomécourt-sur-Madon - open especially for opportunity(occasion);
  • A musical stroll: in every church, the opera singer Caroline Raybaudi conceived(designed) us a custom-made programme with thematic musical intermezzos of different times(periods). She will be accompanied in the piano by Vincent Royer
  • On the road, the stroll will be punctuated by three readings of landscape proposed by the geographer Jean-Pierre Husson;
  • And finally, for an assured(insured) user-friendliness(conviviality), if each is invited to bring the picnic, local producers will also propose us of tastings in Bouzemont at about 13 h 30 and a snack will be offered by cultural service(department) between local councils in Vomécourt-sur-Madon.
    Musical programme
  • In Dompaire at 11 h: Nature and Imagining (Baroque and romantic Period): " Delightful butterfly ", Song of the Butterfly, Venetian Parties(Holidays) CAMPRA (N°124) - "The Butterfly and the flower", of G. Fauré - "Moonlight", of G. Fauré - "After a dream", of G. Fauré - "At the water's edge " ("sit down both at the edge of the stream which passes"), of G. Fauré
  • In Bouzemont at 13 h 30: Love, Nature and Journey (Modern Time(Period)): "It is the season of love", Three Waltzes of Oscar Straus - "The Paths(Ways) of love", of F. Poulenc - "Couplet Yes", Yes de M. Yvain - " The happy island " of E. Chabrier
  • In Vomécourt on Madon at 17 h: Nature, Gastronomy and Mechanical Music (Contemporary Time(Period)): "Merry-go-round horses" of Debussy - "Let us eat, let us drink and let us listen to" of Caroline Raybaudi - "Theme and variations on " The Small Hunting " of Vincent Royer (piano only) - "Canaries, blackbirds and parrots" of Francis Coiteux - " reassuring Show " of Vincent Royer
    Schedule of the day and practical modalities(methods)
    Proposal is free but the registration(inscription) beforehand is compulsory (for the reservation of the bus) in 03 29 37 81 59 or in contactmusee@ccmirecourtdompaire.fr
  • 10 h 30 specify: Departure by bus since the Museum of the lutherie and of the archèterie, Stanislas Courts, in Mirecourt towards Dompaire
  • 11 h: Discovery of the church of Viéville and first musical intervention
  • 12 h at 13 h: Pedestrian Hike(Ride) from Dompaire to Bouzemont for those who wish it, others can resume(take back) the bus towards Bouzemont
  • 13 h 30: Discovery of the church Bouzemont and the second musical intervention
  • 14 h 30: From Bouzemont to Vomécourt-sur Madon by bus with two stops(rulings) "reading of landscape"
  • 16 h 30: Arrived at Vomécourt-sur-Madon, discovery of the church and the third musical intervention
  • 17 h 30 - 18 h: Return by bus towards Mirecourt
    Complete programme will be available from the beginning of September on: www.musee-lutherie-mirecourt.fr
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Type d'événement
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Conditions de participation
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Édition 2017
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About the location

Musée de la lutherie et de l'archèterie françaises
Cours Stanislas, Mirecourt
  • Vosges
  • Grand Est
The instrumental collection which contains 321 objects, reflects the three centuries of craft(home-made) production. Instruments with pinched or rubbed ropes, mostly, were realised artisanalement by stringed instrument makers and bowmakers installed(settled) in Mirecourt either native to Mirecourt or by stringed instrument makers and bowmakers having been trained(formed) in Mirecourt. Important collection of instruments with ropes realised in the big(great) factories which participated in the economic development of the city in the XIXth century s. and socio fund(collection) - technique important (furniture of workshop(studio), raw, model materials, moulds(mussels), tools, and rooms(parts,plays) in the course of manufacturing, etc.). Archives of companies, old(former) iconographic and documentary bottoms supplement the collection.
Musée de France i Musée, salle d'exposition
Of the station of Mirecourt 10mn on foot up to the museum - Parking lot
Bal(l)ade au pays de Mirecourt © Illustrations : Catherine Louis, design graphiste : Sudio Pinkdesign