8 i 9 junio 2019Passed
Juny 2019
Dissabte 8
14:00 - 18:30
Diumenge 9
14:00 - 18:30
0 to 99 years old

Château et Jardins de Canon

Avenue du Château, 14270 Mézidon Vallée d'Auge
  • Calvados
  • Normandie

Visit free of the park and of the gardens of the castle of Standard(Cannon)

Visit free of the park and of the gardens of the castle of Standard(Cannon)
8 i 9 junio 2019Passed
© Château de Canon

The park of the castle of Standard(Cannon), kept(preserved) undamaged since its creation in the XVIIIth century, is exceptional set(group) of regular flowerbeds(orchestras), wild groves and factories. A multitude of watercourse accompany the walker there up to Chartreuses, set(group) dazzling closed gardens full of flowers in a row, unique(only) in France.
Sale of plants by local tree nurseries.

No selection

About the location

Château et Jardins de Canon
Avenue du Château, 14270 Mézidon Vallée d'Auge
  • Calvados
  • Normandie
Park and Anglo-French gardens.
French garden, English garden, Vegetable garden, orchard, Private garden, Jardin remarquable i Monument historique
©Château de Canon