Guided tour of the exhibition "Un jour, La Normandie aux sels d'argent"

Photographic roaming in the footsteps of the painters of the ephemeral. Aesthetic challenge first to evoke the shimmering impressionist color using the black and white of the film and the wet collodion print taking advantage of the subtle nuances in the material! And the spatio-temporal challenge of crisscrossing Normandy in search of these beautiful Norman villages that impressionist canvases have transformed into myths.
This work of roaming in the five departments of Normandy, was mainly carried out with photographic chambers, on N&B film. The prints represent the landscapes and architecture of these Norman villages on chlorobromide paper combined with portraits of the inhabitants on glass plates with wet collodion. Old process tests are also exposed (salt paper, cyanotype, van Dyke, bichromatic gum).