19 i 20 septiembre 2020Passed
Setembre 2020
Dissabte 19
14:30 - 18:30
Diumenge 20
14:30 - 18:30
6 to 99 years old

Views on past exhibitions

You, who have admired all our exhibitions since 2003, or missed them... You, who did not know us... come to revive your memories or discover our past exhibitions!
19 i 20 septiembre 2020Passed
© Ass culturelle du Prieuré Saint-Gabriel

You, who have admired all our exhibitions since 2003, or missed them... You, who did not know us... come to revive your memories or discover our past exhibitions!
An architectural commentary of the Priory chapel is also offered to visitors.
A video presents the entire Priory, in particular the former refectory of the monks and the so-called "justice" room, located in the private part and not accessible to the public.


About the location

Prieuré Saint-Gabriel
1 rue du Prieuré, Saint-Gabriel-Brécy, 14480 Creully sur Seulles
  • Calvados
  • Normandie
Founded in 1058 by the Benedictines of Fécamp, the Priory of Saint Gabriel is essentially an agricultural place. It is where high justice is rendered. The church, of which only the choir remains today is a pure jewel of Norman art, is owned by the department while the buildings, owned by a family SCI, now host a Third-place.
Monument historique i Édifice religieux
parking lot
Association culturelle du Prieuré Saint Gabriel