Exhibition of the creations of Alain Chevalier and Jean-Dominique Clément d'Huart
Itinerary "In Search of Artists" in the territory of Pre-Business Intercom. La Halle de Caumont-l'Eventé, built in 1532, houses the creations of Alain Chevalier and Jean-Dominique Clément d'Huart
Alain Chevalier
God has still not justified His creation. In good and in evil.
Why would the artist justify his own. Let us also leave to the spectator the possibility, the right to dream, to imagine, to recreate what he wants by his gaze. And then in Olympus, Zeus orders many things often the gods accomplish what the artist did not expect. What he expected remains unfinished.
To the unexpected, the gods deliver passage «Euridipe» as the world goes.
Jean-Dominique Clément d’Huart
“I owe it all to the ladies!”
Painter on large formats - Stone sculptor - Alchemist in graphic materials
Three deadly diseases, 550 letters from women!
Paintings made to the secrets of forgotten varnishes, realizations without synthetic chemistry, nor organic.
Sunday, 11am: Jean-Dominique Clément d'Huart, Lecture "From the medium to be painted to the vernissage to the copal or alchemical amber, via the cinnabar: the rare true vermilion"