16 i 17 septiembre 2023Passed
Setembre 2023
Dissabte 16
14:00 - 18:00
Diumenge 17
11:00 - 18:00

Halle de la Mairie

14240 Caumont-sur-Aure
  • Calvados
  • Normandie

Exhibition by Loïc Herry

Itinerary "In Search of Artists" on the territory of Pré-Bocage Intercom. Wall of cards made by Alain Buhot installed in the Hall of the town hall of Caumont-sur-Aure
16 i 17 septiembre 2023Passed
© loicherry.fr

Loïc HERRY (Dec. 1958 – July 1995) left behind not only collections of poetry but also a graphic work, never exhibited in his lifetime: a hundred paintings collages (inks and acrylic paint) and calligraphy.
Régis Bodrug wrote in 2007: Loïc Herry’s graphic work contains traces of the many forms contained in 20th century art. Dadaist poetry, Constructivist spirit and Pop-artistic method are brought together in this retrospective. [… ] His visual work also marks us with its urban aesthetic appearance. He mixed the great Georges Méliès and his trip to the moon in 1901, Pablo Picasso in his Royan period, Kurt Schwitters in the 1930s. Moreover, he seemed very close to the artistic approach of the latter, through his integrations (disintegrations) of images and different museographic substances, without importance for some and very symbolic for him.” This visual work has been shown to the public in numerous exhibitions which have been the occasion for a reading of his texts in the middle of the paintings. Loïc HERRY had been published about thirty times in literary magazines and anthologies, but only one collection had been published during his lifetime. Since his death, 7 other collections have been published, allowing the public to know, through the exhibitions, the two facets of his poetic work.


About the location

Halle de la Mairie
14240 Caumont-sur-Aure
  • Calvados
  • Normandie
Lieu de pouvoir, édifice judiciaire