Animation for school children: discovery of contemporary architecture on the Caen Peninsula
The C.A.U.E of Calvados organizes a day "Discovery of contemporary architecture on the Peninsula of Caen". On the program: visit of the Alexis Library of Tocqueville.
Viernes 18 septiembre 2020, 10:00, 14:00Passed
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The C.A.U.E of Calvados organizes a day "Discovery of contemporary architecture on the Peninsula of Caen". On the program: visit of the Alexis de Tocqueville Library. The objectives are to:
1/ Sensitize young people to the notion of heritage, whether architectural, urban, landscape or cultural;
2/ To make young people question the concepts of space, reference and identity so that they discover, know and can appropriate the Norman territory;
3/ Allow teachers to renew and enrich their teaching practice, by going outside school walls.