Animation for school children: walk in situ: the castle of Caen through time
Come with your class to discover the unmissable castle of Caen. You will travel through time and stones to understand this site of major importance, whose construction was commissioned by William the Conqueror. A mediator from the Musée de Normandie will be your time master and guide your class from time to time. A 3D film, and a game booklet will complete this tour.
If you request it, files and teaching kits will allow you to prepare the visit upstream (15 days of loan).
The objectives are:
1/ Sensitize students to the notion of heritage, whether architectural, urban, landscape or cultural
2) to enable them to discover, know and appropriate the Norman territory through the acquisition of historical knowledge and the development of their sense of observation.
3/ Allow teachers to renew and enrich their teaching practice, by going outside school walls