7 - 9 junio 2019Passed
Juny 2019
Divendres 7
14:00 - 17:30
Dissabte 8
14:00 - 17:30
Diumenge 9
14:00 - 17:30
3 to 99 years old

Château Guillaume le Conquérant

Place Guillaume le Conquérant, 14700 Falaise
  • Calvados
  • Normandie

Bare visit of the garden of medieval inspiration of the castle William the Conqueror

Take advantage of these days to learn it a little more on virtues of plants by realising experiences(experiments), by enjoying them and by awakening your senses.
7 - 9 junio 2019Passed
© Ville de Falaise

On June 7,8 and 9th from 14 h till 17 h 30, the castle William the Conqueror and l' I.M.E of Falaise(Cliff) suggests you discovering the garden of medieval inspiration.
In Middle Ages, many plants are used in the everyday life(daily paper) to treat themselves, to feed or else for their flavour(perfume).
Take advantage of these days to learn it a little more on the virtues by realising experiences(experiments), by enjoying them and by awakening your senses.
Plant with soap, grass with wart, plants did not stop delivering you all their secrets!
Visit of donjons price list(rate): 8,50 €

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About the location

Château Guillaume le Conquérant
Place Guillaume le Conquérant, 14700 Falaise
  • Calvados
  • Normandie
Imposing fortress almost as old as Normandy, the castle of Falaise is one of the last witnesses of the greatness and power of the dukes of Normandy. This major complex of medieval architecture proposes, in augmented reality, a realistic evocation of the evolution of the monument of the Middle Ages. A historical experience to understand the reality of a castle in the time of the dukes of Normandy and kings of England.
Medieval garden i Monument historique