6 - 11 agosto 2018Passed
Agost 2018
Dilluns 6
22:30 - 07:00
Dimarts 7
22:30 - 07:00
Dimecres 8
22:30 - 07:00
Dijous 9
22:30 - 07:00
Divendres 10
22:30 - 07:00
Dissabte 11
23:00 - 07:00
Accesible para personas con discapacidad auditiva
Accesible para discapacitados visuales
Acceso discapacitados mentales
Los motores de acceso para minusválidos
18 to 70 years old

Ile du large Saint-Marouf

Ile du large, 50310 Saint-Marcouf
  • Manche
  • Normandie

Construction site(Work) RAMPART of restoration(catering) of '"Island of wide Saint-Marcouf"

risks It off Normandy! Live unforgettable moments on the construction site(work) of the island of wide holy Marcouf, strengthened in the XIXth century by Napoleon and deserted since almost century.
6 - 11 agosto 2018Passed
Union REMPART / Association des Amis de l'Ile du large Saint Marcouf

adventure off Normandy! Live unforgettable moments by participating in a construction site(work) on the island of wide holy Marcouf, strengthened in the XIXth century by Napoleon and deserted since almost century.
The Restoration of dikes, works of clearing and masonry. Watch out, difficult living conditions: insularity, humidity, wind, shouts of morning(early) birds. Before contacting the construction site(work), consult imperatively its www.ilesaintmarcouf.com web site.
Theme of mission:Maçonnerie (stone dries, stones …)
This volunteers' construction site(volunteers' work) is carried by the association of the Amis de l' Ile of wide Saint-Marcouf, member(limb) of the '"Union Rempart ".

Type d'activité
Dispositif participatif
Type de patrimoine concerné
No selection

About the location

Ile du large Saint-Marouf
Ile du large, 50310 Saint-Marcouf
  • Manche
  • Normandie