Domingo 22 septiembre, 14:00Passed
Setembre 2024
Diumenge 22
14:00 - 14:45

Place Saint-Roch

76410 Cléon
  • Seine-Maritime
  • Normandie

Show: the Vélotonome

Show by the Cie des Frères Georges
Domingo 22 septiembre, 14:00Passed
Cie des Frères Georges

Spectacle par la Cie des Frères Georges Ludovic Belin presents his invention, the Vélotonome, with which he crossed the planet, meeting a thousand situations to which he opposes a thousand solutions! Everyone has the opportunity to add an option on their bike. Each anecdote is the pretext for a demonstration in real conditions of use. This prophet of hypersustainable development will convert his public to an eco-compatible lifestyle and will name the most zealous of his followers «hawkers of autonomy».

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About the location

Place Saint-Roch
76410 Cléon
  • Seine-Maritime
  • Normandie

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