Bulk sale
Allowing everyone, regardless of these means, to have access to healthy, sustainable and quality food is the credo of the national association VRAC («Towards a common purchasing network»). Every month, a fleeting grocery store of organic and/or local products (about half of them) opens to the inhabitants. After being welcomed at the Jacques-Brel neighbourhood house, sales are now taking place at the Centre social du Centre-Ville. Some 60 households order from 90 references each month, mainly “dry” groceries (coffee, pasta, rice…) olive oil, bread and recently vegetables from the Jardins de Cocagne. Three levels of rates, depending on income. Just join the association and order online or at a permanence. Next: 5 November and 3 December from 10 am to 11:30 am. Info: Jeanne Bigot, tel. 06 51 01 59 05 and jeanne-hdf@vrac-asso.org