Early childhood training courses 18/36 months
Mathilde Claebots welcomes children aged 18 to 36 months, accompanied by their parents for a discovery session of the plastic arts.
11 avril - 4 juillet, certains vendredis
Outils d'inscription
S'inscrire / Réserver: https://www.helloasso.com/associations/atelier-2-arts-plastiques/evenements/vacances-scolaires-petite-enfance-18-36-mois
Atelier 2
Mathilde Claebots welcomes children aged 18 to 36 months, accompanied by their parents for a discovery session of the plastic arts. The session will begin with a wink to young authors/ illustrators; then experiment painting, pastels, chalks on an XXL format.
Friday, April 11 – McKee’s Must-Try Elmer
Friday, June 27 – Will the insects and animals of Antoon Krings, Mireille the bee or Léon the bumblebee, be there?
Friday, July 4th – Manipulate and explore the universe of Lucie Félix