Sine qua non Run relocated

The Sine Qua Non Run is a race that was created to combat gender-based and sexual violence and promote
Gender equality in society. Women and men are therefore welcome to support together
this cause. In addition, 100% of the profits will be used to finance the program RUN, PLAY, FIGHT, RIDE, DANCE FOR
EQUALITY. The aim of this programme is to provide free sports sessions in public spaces and in
more than 30 French cities. Every month, over 600 women participate in this program. The Sine Qua Non Run is a
a race accessible to all, since it offers two different courses: one of 6km and one of 10km, distance
The event’s flagship.
The race takes place in Paris but we meet all of us for a 6 km course all levels around the Lake heron
Meeting point: école rené clair
Free or virtual bib with medal + t-shirt: 17 euros