Mardi 8 février 2022, 18h00Passé
Février 2022
Mardi 8
18:00 - 20:00
Accessible aux handicapés moteurs

Build your electronic musical instrument with Bastl Instruments

Workshop of creation of an instrument in kit form within the framework of the artistic residency Extra Muros Geneva 2021. Tuesday 8 february at 6 pm.
Mardi 8 février 2022, 18h00Passé
© Bastl Instruments

The MEG and Extra Muros invite Bastl Instruments, famous Czech manufacturer of synthesizers and other analog instruments, for a hands-on manufacturing workshop. Participants will be given a kit to assemble to create their own instrument (Kastl Drum) that they can keep at the end of the Workshop. The Kastle Drum is a special edition of Bastl's classic modular mini-synthesizer, focused on industrial and glitchy algorithmic drums. The synthesizing of drum sounds with a unique envelope, loaded with dynamic acceleration, makes this drum machine surprisingly versatile and extremely fun to play.

Texte alternatif à l'image
Sur un fond en nuance de bleu, apparaît au centre, un petit synthétiseur modulaire de forme cubique, bleu, noir et gris.
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Type d'événement Institutions
Workshops créatifs
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ID Secutix
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VDG Event
Musée d'ethnographie de Genève (MEG)
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À propos du lieu

Boulevard Carl-VOGT 65, 1205 Genève

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