19 et 20 avril
Avril 2025
Samedi 19
10:00 - 19:00
Dimanche 20
10:00 - 19:00

Forêt du Bourgailh

160 Av. de Beutre, 33600 Pessac
  • Gironde
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Spring in the Bourghail forest, a nature festival

Join us in Pessac on 20 and 21 April for the latest Spring in the Bourghail Forest!
19 et 20 avril

The city's nature event

Organised by the town of Pessac and the Écosite du Bourgailh association, this friendly event, open to all, brings together garden and nature enthusiasts every year. You'll find the "Plants and Garden" section featuring local growers and producers of useful and decorative products for the garden, the eco-citizen village where you can get all the advice you need on gardening and the environment from associations and public bodies, and the Catering section where you can sample delicious local produce.

A festive 20th edition

Once again this year, the event will bring together many local players and associations. As well as being an enriching family activity, this outing is totally free!
So come along and enjoy the many fun and educational activities on offer throughout the weekend. We look forward to seeing you there!

forest, nature, spring & festival
Nature & Enfants
Custom description
Aucune saisie
Event of inter-municipal interest
Event of inter-municipal interest
Recurring Event
Aucune sélection
Catégories Agenda Métropolitain
Cinéma - Projection
Important: je certifie détenir les droits nécessaires à la publication de l'image sous le régime de la licence ouverte
Aucune saisie
Catégories Médiathèque
Aucune sélection
Categories of the city of Bordeaux
Aucune saisie
Aucune saisie

À propos du lieu

Forêt du Bourgailh
160 Av. de Beutre, 33600 Pessac
  • Gironde
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine