15 et 16 septembre 2018Passé
Outils d'inscription
Septembre 2018
Samedi 15
09:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Dimanche 16
09:00 - 12:00
14:00 - 18:00
Accessible aux handicapés auditifs
Accessible aux handicapés visuels
Accessible aux handicapés psychiques
Accessible aux handicapés moteurs
De 0 à 99 ans

Ancien dépôt SNCF de Montluçon

2, rue Pierre Semard, 03100 Montluçon, Allier, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
  • Allier
  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Guided tour of the old(former) deposit(warehouse) SNCF(FRENCH NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY) of Montluçon

Visit of the site, registered on the additional Inventory of historic monuments, presentation(display) of the old(former) railroad materials(equipments) which are restored, and of the model of the sit
15 et 16 septembre 2018Passé
Outils d'inscription

The old(former) deposit(warehouse) SNCF(FRENCH NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY) of Montluçon, the rotating bridge, and the buildings of there annexed service of which remain(subsist) a part(party) of the rotunda, is emblematic of the industrial and railroad history(story) of Montluçon. He(It) accommodated at the height of his(its) activity more than 150 rail cars and stream locomotives, then diesel, using(employing) up to 500 railway workers, before losing progressively of his(its) importance and stopping any activity in 2000s.
The rotunda and the rotating bridge(deck) are registered on the additional Inventory of historic monuments since 2011.
Always property of the SNCF(FRENCH NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY) which conceded management to the city of Montluçon, that - ci confided(entrusted) preservation and animation to the Friendly of Old(Former) and stream friends de la Traction of Montluçon (AAATV), non-profitmaking organisation created in 2009.
AAATV keeps(preserves) there and restores rail cars removed by the SNCF(FRENCH NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY) of the commercial service(department), of which some stay capable to circulate(run) and are used for the organisation, always by AAATV her(it) - even, of tourist journeys financial results(profits) of which are entirely reinjected in interview(maintenance) and restoration(catering) of the site and of the materials(equipments) which are kept(preserved) there.
The East also in the course of restoration(catering) a "train of help", function(office) of which was, to in the seventies, to restore the traffic(circulation) on sites of rail accidents: lifting of derailed(raved) materials(equipments), repaired by the infrastructure...
The major component is the crane " Cockerill ", spectacular 85 ton machine which proceeded to the operations of lifting.
The restoration(catering) of this set(group), confided(entrusted) in AAATV by the "City(Estate) of the Train", National Museum of the railroad located in Mulhouse, is all over its cost entirely financed by gifts(donations) of individuals or of the sponsorship of company and institutional, live or via the Heritage foundation. These gifts(donations) are défiscalisables, AAATV being recognised in this respect association of general interest.
Every year in June, converging towards deposit(warehouse) several stream trains of friendly associations (from Limoges, Orléans, Clermont - Ferrand), on the occasion of "Festirail", big(great) party(holiday) in the course of which the site of deposit(warehouse) is open free to the public and receives stands(pits) with railroad theme, animations, miniature networks with diverse scales(ladders), among which some stream.
[STOP_TRANSLATION]L'AAATV adhère, à l'échelon national à l'Union Nationale des Exploitants de Chemins de Fer Touristiques ; à l'échelon régional, à "Patrimoine Aurhalpin" ; à l'échelon départemental à "Patrimoine Bourbonnais Patrimoine d'Avenir".
L'ensemble des installations et bâtiments sera accessible au cours des JEP. Plusieurs adhérents de l'AAATV seront disponibles pour commenter les visites.

À propos du lieu

Ancien dépôt SNCF de Montluçon
2, rue Pierre Semard, 03100 Montluçon, Allier, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
  • Allier
  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Old(Former) deposit(warehouse) of rail cars and stream and diesel locomotives, with in particular the rotunda and the rotating bridge(deck), registered on the Additional Inventory of Historic monuments
Édifice industriel, scientifique et technique
AAATV Montluçon