Samedi 17 septembre 2022, 09h00, 11h00, 15h00, 17h00Passé
Septembre 2022
Samedi 17
09:00 - 09:30
11:00 - 11:30
15:00 - 15:30
17:00 - 17:30

Embarcadère de Blaye

Embarcadère, 33390 Blaye
  • Gironde
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Bacs de la Gironde de Blaye à Lamarque: «heritage flashes»

On the Blaye-Lamarque ferry, the "heritage flashes" will take the form of short interventions (15 minutes) that will highlight the heritage characteristics of the estuary.
Samedi 17 septembre 2022, 09h00, 11h00, 15h00, 17h00Passé
©Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Inventaire général du patrimoine culturel, Adrienne Barroche, 2012

The "Flashs patrimoines" are proposed by Alain Beschi, curator of heritage, and Adrienne Barroche, photographer, service patrimoine et de l'Inventaire Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
In partnership with the Gironde Department.
Since 2010, an inventory of the heritage of the 50 municipalities bordering the estuary has been undertaken by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region in partnership with the department of Gironde, in order to constitute a base of knowledge. Some 11,000 documentary files have been produced, accessible online on the website of the Heritage Service and the Inventory of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region: http://inventaire.aquitaine.fr/la-recherche-en-aquitaine/cartographie-dinventaire-operations/gironde/les-communes-riveraines-de-lestuaire-de-la-gironde/
This study was the subject of a Published in June 2022 at Le Festin: L'estuaire de la Gironde. Two shores, one territory: http://www.lefestin.net/estuaire-de-la-gironde-deux-rives-un-territoire
On the occasion of the completion of the operation and the Heritage Days, researcher and photographer of the Inventory will propose to the passengers of the ferry short interventions to decipher the landscapes and the history of the estuary.

À propos du lieu

Embarcadère de Blaye
Embarcadère, 33390 Blaye
  • Gironde
  • Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Espace naturel, parc, jardin