Vendredi 31 mai, 18h00Passé
Mai 2024
Vendredi 31
18:00 - 20:00

Parc et jardin de la Maison Rouge, musée des vallées cévenoles

5 rue de l'industrie 30270 Saint-Jean-du-Gard
  • Gard
  • Occitanie

Exhibition of exit from residence

Unveiling of the collective artistic work created with different audiences during the artist residency of the author and illustrator Crushiform.
Vendredi 31 mai, 18h00Passé

Unveiling of the collective artistic work created with different audiences during the artist residency of the author and illustrator Crushiform. In the continuation of her book L'odyssée des Graines, to be published next October at Gallimard, she invites the public to marvel at the creativity of nature by continuing her work on the multiple processes of seed dispersal, and the resulting diversity of forms.
For several weeks in Maison Rouge-Musée des vallées cévenols, as well as in the surrounding territories, Cruschiform produced a series of illustrations around landscapes and conducted a work in dialogue with different audiences to invite them to the realization of a collective work. By inviting traditional materials and know-how, she also designs in collaboration with local scenographers and artisans, a set of objects and elements of playful mediation around the functional design of the seeds. The whole will be the subject, in the fall, of a great unprecedented exhibition!
“I am interested in the art of wandering seeds when they are dispersed. Particularly sensitive to the formal creativity of the plant world, I question the close link between the shape of seeds and their strategy and their function of dissemination. Whether in the wind, over water or with the complicity of animals, all strategies are good to conquer new territories. Hairy, winged, hooked, tiny or monumental... each seed contains in it the story of an extraordinary journey where the creativity of nature reigns supreme.” Cruschiform
A co-production of the association Le Festival de l'Illustration (Nîmes) and Maison Rouge with the support of the Department of Gard and DRAC Occitanie as part of the residency of territory in visual art 2024.

Types of events
2024 Theme
The five senses in the garden
I agree that the image may be freely used, provided that it is attributed to the author by name and shared under the same conditions.
Conditions for participation
Free entrance
Type of audience
General public

À propos du lieu

Parc et jardin de la Maison Rouge, musée des vallées cévenoles
5 rue de l'industrie 30270 Saint-Jean-du-Gard
  • Gard
  • Occitanie
The museum’s exterior fittings are an integral part of the Scientific and Cultural Project of Maison Rouge – Musée des vallées cévenoles. Created by the ethnobotanist Alain Renaux on an area of , the public garden and a wooded part of the park are complementary to the collections of the museum and representative of the plants formerly used daily in the Cévennes. In the park, about twenty trees, some of which were used in carpentry and cabinetmaking: black poplar, beech, ash, birch, cherry or hawthorn... Others (wicker, ash, chestnut) were used to make tool handles, small tools for harvesting chestnuts and domestic objects in basketry. Many plants were part of the ordinary of the Cévenols and were known for their playful, medicinal and veterinary, food or tinctorial uses. Some toxic plants were also chosen for educational purposes.
Architecture contemporaine remarquable, Musée de France, Tourisme et handicap, Contemporary garden, Botanical garden or arboretum & Public garden
parking lot
©Maison rouge 218VDE